OK, I’m getting ready to piss some people off, but here goes. Drugs are bad, mmmmkayy. Seriously, I don’t understand why people still get high at this point in their lives. I really don’t. When I think of adult stoners, I think of The Dude, of course, but also some smelly guy who lives in the back on his VW bus. I know there are plenty of responsible people who just like to get high from time to time. I just don’t understand it. Of course, I’d be the last person to tell anyone what to do with their lives. I just immediately feel a certain amount of distance go up between me and people that I learn are pot smokers. I’m the same way with heavy drinkers. It just isn’t my scene and maybe it is my bad to be judgmental. I just don’t see the point in getting stoned.
Pot to me represents hanging out in the field by high school before class or driving to the beach late at night to hide form the cops back in high school. The key word here is HIGH SCHOOL people. If your opinion is different, share. I’d like to be enlightened, because so far, laziness, weight gain and apathy are three things I’ve found plenty easy to acquire without needing to self medicate. So unless you are in a hugely successful rock band or have no aspirations to do anything with your life, then it is time to put the pipe down.
Just my two cents. If you feel differently, hit me up (ha ha I said “hit”) because I can think of at least two people who don’t share my opinion. It is, after all, just my opinion. I’m not going to lecture you or get angry with you for how you live your life, but I have just ask much of a right to tell you I think it is dumb as you have the right to smoke a bowl. I can accept it, but I can not support it.
Happy toking.