Wednesday, October 13, 2004

“Time will destroy you like a Mexican god”

What a great line. That is from Robyn Hitchcock. I just got his album “Jewels for Sophia”. I originally got the CD because of a very catchy song called “Viva Sea Tac.” Its a pretty safe bet if you like your music cleverly written and you like an atypical singing voice. I just think that line is brilliant. The one thing that was able to destroy the Mexican gods was time. At one point, people gave their own lives and the lives of their loved ones to honor these gods and now…nobody pays them any mind.

Its been a lucrative week for pirating. I also got a copy of the new REM and Green Day. REM just seems a lot mellower than their past efforts. OK, “Up” could put you to sleep. Boy I miss REM sometimes.As REM grows old, Green Day seems to grow up. I find it scary that Billy Joe has a kid that should be starting middle school in a couple of years. When your full time job if fronting a punk band named after a day of sitting at home and getting high, it will be hard to tell your kids not to smoke pot. I guess if my generation is any indication, the more screwed up the parents are the more normal the kids will be.

Oh, I almost forgot. I picked up two more albums I have wanted for a while. The first is the new Ben Kweller. He use to front the band Radish who had the college radio hit “Little Pink Stars.” I think he was like 12 when he penned the line “I want the world to know that you’re mine, I want to feel you from the inside.” I’m pretty sure he meant that in the ecumenical sense. I also picked up Kanye West’s album. The last hip hop album I got was “The Carnival” by Wyclef 7 years ago and I can honestly say, Kanye has not disappointed me yet. Next thing you know, I’ll be getting those stupid rims that don’t stop spinning. Can I get a “what what?”


Blogger spaceface01 said...

First, THANK YOU for reminding me of Ben Kweller's name, it has been bothering me since Sunday, I wanted to buy that album...also, Kanye West is amazing!

9:18 AM  

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