Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I just had a funny thought. OK, not funny ha ha, but funny enough. What if George W. Bush is the anti-Christ? Bear with me here, because there is some logic to it. I can not tell you how many times I have tried to explain to other Christians that this man is just plain evil. Yes, he has a stated pro-life stance. OK, fine. Hitler was a vegetarian, but you don’t see him on PETA billboards.

Bush has used his “Christianity” for more political gain than any other president in history. Ronald Reagan was a Christian, but he never wore that fact on his sleeve, nor did he make believers serve as his foot soldiers the way W has. Never before has a president hoodwinked so many. He has the faithful completely fooled that he is a man of God. The reality of it is that he has been asked time and again to site some pillars of his faith and he often has no clue. In fact the bible study group that he claims brought him to Christ studied the very chapters of the bible dealing with piety, humility and helping the poor. Heck, the whole bible is about that. So what part is W reading?

Surely there has to at least be a few in the Christian Coalition who see that this man is not only using them, but taking them for granted. These poor believers are blindly taking W’s every word while he destroys the planet, kills their kids is a battle for petroleum and destroys every liberty that our founding Christian fathers built this country on. I can not prove George W. Bush is the anti-Christ, but I think even the most pro-Bush biblical scholar has to agree he is certainly setting the stage for the anti-Christ to come to power with his actions in the middle east. Israel and the United States are both tied together in revelations and now more than ever, its looking like we might be the only allies one another has.

Mark 13:22
"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect."


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