Thursday, October 21, 2004

It would nice if you could pick and choose insomnia. Sometimes it would be convenient. For example, you want to get a head start on traffic. So you leave for a big trip at 3 A.M. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. It comes on the nights before you need to be well rested and alert. So tomorrow is my last day at work. Boy that sounds nice to say. Last day before I head out on vacation that is:

Saturday Atlanta, REM

Monday Tampa to see family

Wednesday-Friday Florida Keys camping with dad.

Saturday Fly to Seattle were I will spend the longest day of my life since my friend is planning a party that night that will end about 3 AM. That will be 6 AM by my circadian

Halloween Try and figure out which Seattleites are in costume and which are just hipsters.

Monday-Wednesday Rent a car and either go to Vancouver, Portland or if I get really lofty, San Francisco.

Thursday-Saturday Back in Seattle. See Cobain’s house and Bruce Lee’s grave

Overnight Saturday Back to Tampa.

Monday Drive home

That’s it. I’m excited, but it doesn’t really compare to going to Australia which was plan A.

I’m currently not shaving nor do I intend to for two weeks. I’ll look like Grizzly Adams by the time I get back.


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