Saturday, October 16, 2004

So today I used the color printer at work to make a couple of Belle and Sebastian shirts, maybe it will give me street cred with the hipsters on the west coast when I am out there. More than likely it will just show my age. Hey, I listen to Bright Eyes too. Of course, in the hipster world things expire before the packaging is finalized. I think I shall find a band that hasn’t even formed yet and download their album form a Ukrainian server 6 full years before the band members even meet. My band “Gordon Shumway” has performed together twice. So start passing that one around and build up a buzz for us. If you catch the reference, let me know and I will consider you a hero of the Torah. Then I will be cool, or deck or whatever the hell you people say. I’m much too old to bother anymore. So I am voting Monday. I will be on said trip during the election and Lord knows in Florida Kerry will need every vote he can get. So I am submitting my vote early. In the words of the female fronted hip hop trifected known as Northern State; “The country’s getting ugly and there’s more in store, but don’t blame me because I voted for Gore”. I just got a bright idea. I’ll email Stuart form Belle and Sebastian and tell him to check out my blog, because not too long ago he wrote a similar entry about being a man in his 30s who still makes shirts. Perhaps he’ll become addicted to my blog and then when the band needs a bass player, they’ll ask me on board. Bloody likely.


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