Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I’m a Nader hater!

OK, I’m going to ruffle some feathers, BUT the nation is pretty well split right down the center with Bush and Kerry and if people choose Nader, then they might as well vote for Bush. You’d have a better chance getting Siegfried and Roy to go to Hooters than you have of getting Nader into the oval office. I’m sorry, I like the man, but if you vote for him, don’t complain once in the next four years. John Kerry is far from my first choice, but that is what we have. In an ideal world, I’d throw Dennis my vote on November 2nd, but this election is tight and at this point, I’d rather see a schizophrenic crack head run the country than endure another 4 with W. Besides, where has Ralph been hiding the last 4 years when we could have used a dissenting voice?


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