We all have those friends who spend 24/7 together. For some reason you find it annoying, because they’re both great people, but when they are together 24/7 they exist in their own vacuum. You reach the point where you don’t have much to say to either of them when you catch them alone. It is almost off setting. It is like seeing half a body walking around the house. “So, where’s the torso?” This is love. It is only enjoyable if you are in it and usually the fun doesn’t last very long.
I’ve been there and done that and it isn’t always pleasant for the other people who care about you. I don’t know if this is a guy thing. We tend to get so elated with the fact we’re getting some action, that we forget there are other valuable relationships in our life. If history has taught me anything, it is this. Most of the time love ends badly. All of the time it fades, or at the very least morphs into mutually avoiding the obvious problems. I hate to say “why bother”, but honestly, why bother? I guess because we’ve spent our whole life being told that ending up alone is the worse thing in the world. I’ll be if you look around at the people you know over 60; the vast majority of them ARE alone either through divorce or death.
It seems as though I either fall in love with women I am not compatible with or I’m compatible with women I can not fall in love with. It sucks when someone loves you and you can not love them back. The only thing that is worse is loving someone and knowing they don’t love you back. On a scale of probability, the chances of finding mutual and lasting attraction and compatibility are pretty close to null. If you do find it, chances are one of you has enough baggage to sink your cruise to La LA Land.
Maybe this sad world view is the product of a generation raised by single mothers. Who knows? Sure, I’d like to find love and be in a relationship. Am I loosing sleep over it? No. Of course, if it wasn’t bothering me, I probably wouldn’t have taken the time to create this blog entry. I guess I’m not as immune as I like to think.