Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I can not explain why I like these guys. I usually just listen to the weepy bastard bands from Scotland, but I really like this new Velvet Revolver song”Fall To Pieces” a lot. Scott Weiland looks like the walking dead but he is a much better vocalist than Axel Rose ever was, so when you combine his vocals with what’s left of GN’R, it sort of, well, rocks. I suppose if I was 12, this would be my favorite band.

I just finished “Choke” from Chuck Palahniuk. I’m really getting into his writing style and he wins points with me because A) he calls the pacific northwest home and B) he is a fellow Pisces. I would be a fool to compare him to Kerouac, since the comparison doesn’t fit, but he does have a very unique way of making you both uncomfortable and instantly familiar with the situations he puts his characters into. A truly gifted and unique writer who has more than just ‘Fight Club” to offer.


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