Thursday, August 26, 2004

I’m not a real big fan of hypocrites. Dave Matthews Band is getting sued by the state of Illinois for dumping a bunch of sewer waste into a lake in Chicago. Classy act from a guy who “supports” so many environmental causes. He hasn’t come forward saying he nor the band knew what was going on. Honestly, did they think the bus driver was dumping 800 gallons of Yoo-Hoo out of the bus?
I am surrounded by hypocrites. Inevitably, when I get a real “tough customer” that is completely nasty to me, if I ever have to call them back for any reason and get their answering machine, 99% of the time (I would say 100% but nothing is ever that accurate) they will have a greeting with a Bible verse or at the very least they close with “have a blessed day.” As a wise Fugee once said” How you gon' win when you ain't right within? “ Last but not least on my mind today is the Republican Right. It is so ridiculous that John Kerry is being attacked for his service in Vietnam. At least he showed up for duty. How does W get away with these things? I saw a sticker today that said “How would Jesus vote?” Of course, they assumed Jesus would vote Republican. Interesting thought since their number one argument for that case is the stance on abortion. I’m not even going to light that fire, but sufficed to say God’s laws supersede man’s laws. If God is against abortion, than the legality of it is a moot point if you are a Christian, so where is the problem? I’m sure if one of the Bush twins got knocked up, they sure wouldn’t have that baby. Outlawing things you don’t agree with like abortion and homosexuality will not make them go away. Murder is illegal is it not? People kill every day regardless of the law. Jesus taught about love and maybe I missed the part of his sermon where he spoke about loving everyone as long as they are white, straight and protestant.


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