Tuesday, August 17, 2004

“I’ve been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.”

I guess we’re going to be #1 at something else. In every other developed nation, there is a marked decline in projected population growth with one glaring exception…us. I’m not going to launch into some leftist diatribe about how we suck up so much and give back so little here in my homeland. I could explain how we put the “us” in U.S.A. Honestly, I don’t think it is the result of the rest of the world worrying about natural resources or doing their part to insure there will be enough to go round for everyone. Instead, it is more likely that in other countries having a bunch of kids means less food, room, clothes, etc for you as a parent. Here we find ways to circumvent these natural population controls. Combine that with good health care and you’ll see our numbers are swelling faster than our waistlines.

I’m certainly not going to advocated any type of rules about family sizes, because that should ultimately be up to us as individuals. I just have one request…that the stupid people stop breeding. I’m standing three feet from a jerk who is yelling at his kids right now as I type this. He is angry because his toddlers want to go to the bathroom. I thought using the potty was a good thing. It seems like the ignorant, impatient, unkind and just plain obnoxious are squeezing out kids at an alarming rate. This guy, for example, has three. Three is just too many. I’m sorry. Two is fine. One for you and one for your partner. One child is better since that’s negative population growth. Three is just selfish. You need a license to fish, a license to drive and a license to ill. Why then does anyone who can make a zygote have the right to make children?

If the majority were caring and loving human beings who made raising their kids a priority, then the next generation would be a blessing. Here’s a news flash for you. You may have enough food, square footage and money to raise a child. That doesn’t mean you should. While having kids may not take food off of your plate or force you to sleep on the floor, they will inconvenience you a thousand ways you never thought of. Maybe you should think about that next time you decide to give parenting a try. It is one decision that lasts a lifetime.


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