Tuesday, September 14, 2004

It strange how we can sometimes get exposed to something in life and think nothing of it and then years later really like it. Case in point…Diet Pepsi. I gave up soda a while back and last week I got a combo at Subway and they were out of tea. So, I had Diet Pepsi knowing that A) I hate diet soda and B) it would probably be the least caloric option. Turns out I loved it. In the can (not the bathroom) it tastes pretty bad. From a fountain, I can hardly tell the difference. I read a lot on aspartame. It was probably the most tested substance ever. I’m guessing if it does turn out to be a killer, then we will have one hell of a class action lawsuit on our hands.

The second thing that took me by surprise was the Dixie Chicks. I’m not too fond of possum eater music, but that has a lot more to do with the politics of people like Toby Keith. He single handedly wants to fly around the globe putting his boot up people’s asses. I think for 5 minutes post 9-11 I thought that might be a good idea. Luckily, that kind of balls out jingoism has never been my thing. Perhaps Toby Keith owes us and his Mom an apology. I’m sure she raised him better than that. Most of us Southerners are gentlemen and even a few of us are educated. OK, where was I? Oh yes, the Dixie Chicks. Well they’re doing the Vote for Change tour and of course these ladies are hated on by the right wing redneck country fans. All the more reason for me to give them a serious listen. I must say, I like what I hear.


Blogger spaceface01 said...

The Dixie Chicks AND Diet Pepsi are fantastic! Where have you BEEN?!

12:43 PM  

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