Thursday, September 09, 2004

I don’t know what it is about SUVs, but I have been wanting one lately. I have a compact car now and prior to that, I have had only big cars. First I had an old Cadillac, then a giant Volvo wagon, then a series of trucks, with a brief stop in SUV town in the form of a Jeep Cherokee that the bank eventually took back. Long story about tough times and I will spare you. It was awfully nice to be so high off the ground. Apparently, SUVs are no safer than regular cars, but I can at least you feel much safer in a truck or SUV. This especially holds true when you live in a state that has weekly hurricanes. I have hit lots of branches this week and held my breath hoping my axle wouldn’t pop off. Maybe I’m just a scared little yuppie who is afraid of the world or worse yet, I have little man syndrome. My Mom is 5 foot tall in really good shoes and she always drove tanks. In a world where bigger is better, a large car is sometimes all we short folks have.

Wow, talk about freaky dreams. Last night I could not fall asleep until after 3 AM. I feel asleep and dreamed I was in the nursing home room my grandmother use to have. Instead of my Grandmother being in the bed, my sister was in a gown sitting on the bed. It makes sense since she is now fighting cancer just a few months after loosing our grandmother. The super creepy part was my sister got up from the bed and left the room and her disconnected arm was lying on the bed squirming. WAIT, it gets freakier. I was unnerved, so I sat on the couch to get my bearings and noticed this Sacred Heart of Jesus statue standing next to me. It was constructed about the size of a yard gnome. I looked at it and said “Jesus, we’re going to have to clean this place out.” I was referring to all my Grandmother’s belongings. As soon as I said that, the Jesus statue’s arm flipped up nutcracker style and smacked me so hard in the mouth I woke right up. It was then that I remembered thinking before I went to bed that I wish I had some sign that I should even practice my faith anymore. I don’t know what the dream meant, but the weird part was that by my calculations, I had been asleep only a couple of minutes and boy was it vivid! I’m actually still pretty shook up about it.


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