Thursday, September 02, 2004

It took me almost two hours to get to work today. I was snagged in stop and go traffic on I-95. My commute normally takes 35-45 minutes, but the entire state of Florida seems to be fleeing and here I sit…at work. I’m calm as a Buddhist monk right now. I think that this thing will pass through South Florida. I’m not happy about that, because they just got done with Charlie. Not to mention some of my family lives in Tampa and I would hate for them to get hit. Yet I wouldn’t wish it on the Carolinas either since not only do they get far too many of these, but I have family there too. Yes, the noble thing would be to stand on the beach in full "Braveheart” regalia and beat my chest and scream “come Armageddon, come.” I don’t want to get this storm though. I’m a total wimp. Best case scenario, it heads back out to the Atlantic and the cold waters. Then Home Depot just made another killing, the surfers got to feel like they are in Oahu for a few days and everyone else is perfectly safe. As that noble laureate Eddie Vedder once said, “escape is never the safest bet.” The interstate has more cars than R Kelly’s pantry has Teddy Grahams.


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