My wish list
What the heck, you never know until you present it to the cosmos.
I wish…
The Shins would do a cover of “Hips Don’t Lie.” It would be hauntingly beautiful, yet hard not to dance to.
I wish E-85 would catch on and the government would pay to convert our cars.
I wish Hollywood would do something original, because as stupid as I think “Small Wonder” the movie would be, I’d probably still go see it.
I wish Dakota Fanning would play V.I.C.K.I. in that film they’re bound to make.
I wish celery tasted like French fries
I wish Comcast would be forcibly taken over by someone who knows how to run a cable company.
I wish we retired at 18 right after high school. You have to next 12 years to fart around and figure out where you want to go. Then you work until you die.
I wish to be “grandfathered” into that retirement program and return to work at 42.
I wish cigarettes were good for you.
I wish the Eagles would just go away already. Except for Glen Fry, I have no beef with him. The rest of you know what you did.
I wish soy products actually made decent substitutes for meat.
I wish diet soda actually tasted like the real thing.
I wish people would stop building on the coast.
I wish the housing bubble would burst.
I wish the Bird Flu would selectively wipe out the a$$Holes and leave the rest of us alone.
I wish medical school was free and you could get in with an English degree.
I wish everyone would just stop killing in the name of “God.” For something that is suppose to serve as a moral compass, religion sure seems to get a lot of people killed.
I wish they didn’t make clothes just for tall people, fat people and regular size people. What about the short people?
I wish that people had something better to do than watch “American Idol.”
I wish it was sunnier in Seattle.
I wish Florida would flood already, but only while we are all away on vacation.
I wish the world was a safer and more loving utopia.
I wish my country wasn’t founded by prudes.
I wish they weren’t taking the power back.
I wish Tom Cruise would just come out already.
I wish more people saw it coming.
I wish the ending is as quick and painless as possible.
And lastly,
I wish I was a little bit taller, wish I was a balla.
You saw that coming.