Friday, May 05, 2006

Mundane crap alert.

Yes, more transmissions from planet monotony.

I slept about 3.5 hours last night. I woke up feeling like I was going to vomit at 2:30. Honestly, it freaked me out. About the time I got settled back down, one of the 19 year old Paris Hilton clones downstairs was yelling at her f-buddy that she loves him and he drove off in his imported car with an intentionally loud muffler. I say drove off, he spent a good 15 minutes posturing with his loud engine and bad dance music. I heard plenty of noise, but I sure didn’t hear him reciprocate her affection. Here is a hint, if he doesn’t take you anywhere and he’s dropping by for some booty after 2 A.M., he’s just not that into you.

So annoyed and awake, I began the plunge all of us who don’t sleep so good dread. There is a fine line to walk, because if you stay in bed, you toss and turn never to reclaim sleep. If you get up, you might get the mind engaged in something else and next thing you know, you’re wide awake. The next 6 hours turned into the latter. I saw a lot of Vh-1 and I can say it definitely plays more music I like than MTV. Translation, I’m getting old.

I did mange to squeeze a run in. I use the term run loosely, because it was more like a falling forward. I figured it would burn off some excess energy and if nothing else makes sleeping easier tonight. The good news was eventually my complete exhaustion made my screaming legs seem less painful.

So now I’m cranky, I have a headache and my legs are useless JELLO. I’m counting the minutes until I can go home.


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