Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The kind of things you find at 4 A.M when you are up with insomnia.

1) A cat with a very active nightlife. He was running scrimmages with his nip filled toy ball like it was high noon. Do they have Charter By the Sea for cats, because I think he might have a problem?
2) There is absolutely nothing of value on television, especially at this hour.
3) Worrying is a huge waste of time and energy.
4) Blogging is dangerous. At least a couple of people have read my blog lately and decided not to be my friend.

I guess the whole point to putting yourself “out there” is to find like minded people to pat you on the back or people who completely disagree with you to challenge your beliefs. I’m stubborn, especially when it comes to what I believe.

I spent the better part of the last hour getting wrapped up in myspace and some blogs and somehow got on the pages from some local churchgoers. I’m sad to report at least one old friend of mine and I have lost touch due to our differences in church attendance. While I can not blame him for distancing himself from a guy who makes jokes about Rosie O’Donnell at a strip show, I do hope he knows I have always had a wicked sense of humor, but more importantly a good heart.

I’ve struggled over the years with bringing the faith and desire I have for my Christian beliefs in harmony with my realization that far too many Christians live in a judgmental bubble. It doesn’t take a doctorate in theology to see that Jesus did his life’s work and ministry in the streets and taverns. Not in the clean and interloper free world of the modern church. In fact, he condemned those who displayed their pious nature in the temples and became so obsessed with their sanctity and routines that they completely forgot his message in the first place. We are all sinners. All the shoulder patting and thumbs ups in the world will not change that.

The only difference between you and say someone like Marilyn Manson is you are seeking a better way. Yet if you truly believe Christ’s message, then all the praise and worship albums, ornate temples and self congratulating late night prayer jams are just elements of flare. The New Testament is full of Christ’s condemnation of such things. I guess I feel it is my personal mission to keep reminding the folks that flash John 3:16 everywhere that the message continues in John 3:17 as well.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


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