Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Partnership for a blog-free America.

Sometimes people say things that sort of blow your mind. I know my Grandpa is a Baptist. He is also one of the kindest people I know. So today, on the phone, he laid down the following statement.

“We’re lucky to have someone like Bush in the office. He will not be afraid to use the bomb if need be.”

Ok, I try to take the diplomatic route with him because he’s, well, old. So I said “I just hope it doesn’t come to that.” A good neutral statement, but one that declares I’m not pro-bomb dropping. I’m sure no one wants it to come to nuclear exchanges. I was just a little shocked. I’m sure we don’t agree on a million different things from abortion to gay marriage, but I was truly shocked by his statement, because I got the impression he wouldn’t be too upset if Dub used a nuke. It was a weird moment of insight into what the half of this country who votes conservative must think.


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