Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I know it is your birthday and we no longer talk. How hard that must be for you, if you have feelings. I know your illness makes you feel like a martyr, but do you feel anything else? Hopefully those around you are telling you how horrible you are being treated. You would like that. I guess I feel brave knowing you’ll never read this. Despite what you say, you didn’t come back for me. If you did, don’t say my letter didn’t warn you. I told you the reception to expect.

So let us remember better times when we smiled and hugged and went to the park together. Oh, I forgot, those things never happened. I’ sure you’ll tell me you were busy working or some other excuse. You paint yourself in you best pastels. The truth is you never said anything like you meant it, least of all “I love you.” Even that came too late.


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