Thursday, April 13, 2006

I emailed MTV networks and begged them to take a gander at my blog. I’m packing my bags right now to join the writing staff for “The Daily Show.” We shall see what becomes of it. I realize this vast wasteland of free speech probably looks like a crap stained stall in a Jersey rest area to the talent at a huge network. I figured you never know until you try. Getting hired there is about as likely as Dennis Miller making a reference anyone without post-doctorate work in Applied Economics could actually understand.

It could happen. Really, I have a degree in English and everyone seems to think I’m funny. Of course dropping my demo tape and the subsequent harassment on my part finally got me hired as a DJ. It didn’t take me long to realize I’d rather fellate a cheese grater until I’m 65 then work for corporate radio. Lesson learned. So I guess what I’m saying is when the networks do come a calling, I’ll think long and hard about how much I want to share an office with Stephen Colbert’s bald eagle.


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