Wednesday, April 12, 2006

File this under easy listening frat boy jam pop leads to spiritual insight. As much as I have grown to dislike Dave Matthews, I have to say “Busted Stuff” might turn out to be his best album. I think he exposed the most of himself as a person and that probably explains why he shelved it. That or his bad judgment was already kicking in at that point and he looked right passed what a great batch of songs it is. I can not listen to it without contemplating something deeper. It is about finding meaning and your place in the universe. It is also about seeking something higher than your self. So say what you will about the current steaming coils he is squeezing out, “Busted Stuff” was the shizzle. As disappointed as I’ve been in all his recent work, I can not stop revisiting this album.

But oh God
Under the weight of life
Things seem brighter on the other side

That line alone could be about redemption versus a life without direction. It also could be a proclamation of how suicide looks appealing. It is in these gray areas that Busted Stuff is brilliant. Just like good jazz music, sometimes the best parts are bent between the lines.


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