Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Go shorty, its your Earth Day
We gonna party like its your Earth Day
Gonna sip Bacardi like its your Earth day
We don’t give a fahk cause its your earth Day!

So Saturday is Earth Day. Plant a tree or something. I’m glad that earth gets a day, but that’s like checking Paris Hilton for crabs once a year. What about the other 364 days when the task is neglected? Really.

I’m no eco warrior. I eat meat, I drive an SUV. That’s full disclosure. Yet someone like the Dub hopefully feels like a huge freaking hypocrite when he gives lip service to Earth Day. I’d imagine it he was able to, he’d slip Mother Earth a horse tranquilizer and drag her back to Shawn Hannity’s hotel room.

Even if we all make huge changes to try and save the environment, it seems our own governments will always cater to big business. I’m not going to begin to argue that eating vegan and driving a hybrid (or better yet biking) will not make the world a better place. It will. The problem is until our government and the corporations it works for makes saving this planet a priority we’re pretty well screwed.


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