Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The funny thing about the internet is it can sometimes becomes people watching taken to the extreme. is a good example. In many ways, it represents the worst aspects of humanity, or at least parades them around what’s left of the town square (since much of it fell victim to Wal-Mart). To some degree we’re all a little bit shallow, but there is a certain group among us that take it to another level. These are the beautiful people. Yes, I know, there are exceptions to anything. I know quite a few women who are beautiful and not at all shallow. Off course I think my girlfriend and my Mom are beautiful. These aren’t the beautiful people I’m talking about. The ones I speak of have a budget for things like tanning booths and manicures. They are the ones who protect and invest in their best asset to the extreme.

What is so scary is how very little else most of them have going for them. Chances are your prom queen went on to get knocked up by her quarterback boyfriend instead of taking off for Ivy League study. Rare is the person who is beautiful and doesn’t know it and even more rare is the person that knows their beautiful and doesn’t exploit it. seems to make the plight of the beautiful so much more obvious. They desperately cling to moments of glory like being chosen as a "cool new person.” This subsequently gives them the right to create headlines like “out of your league” or “gorgeous.” Modesty, it seems, does not go hand-in-hand with natural beauty.

Time is the great equalizer and eventually we all get saggy and our looks start to fade. Someday, modern science will not even be able to make Demi Moore look good. So what then becomes of the beautiful people? Those that have never cultivated a talent or an education are left with nothing. Just like the pro football player who majored in “Home Economics” to end up blowing his knee out on his first NFL scrimmage. If you put all your eggs in one basket, eventually they all rot together.

So if one of the shallow and pathetic people who put their picture on happens to come across this page, take a second and ponder this. That “gift”, which you probably got through no effort of your own, is only being given to you on loan. In a society that values celebrities and no talent ass hats like Paris Hilton, it seems the next generation is forgetting there is more to life than being young, thin and rich. You might manage to get your hands on all three, but at least one of then will slip away from you eventually.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I have photographic evidence I once had a cool 'stache. Join the revolution!
525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?"

Sorry, I like that song. I have not seen “Rent” though. I never caught the play since I live in a cultural hell hole and I haven’t seen the movie, because musicals are generally annoying to straight people, especially movie adaptations. Although if the guys from “South Park” fully developed “Lease”, I’d be all about seeing that. The sentiment is a good one though. A year comes and goes before you even realize it. A year ago, I had thanksgiving with my sister’s husband’s family. I was thrilled to have someone to go that was “family” but it didn’t feel much like family since I barely knew most of the people there. This year I had turkey with the people that will probably be my in-laws. It was nice to see their family together and measure the parallels to the family structure I once had. I have three siblings just like she does, but my own family has scattered to their spouse’s family gatherings and Australia and death has claimed our matriarchs.

So this year I was taken under the wing of another family. Aside from a very scary return flight, I enjoyed New England immensely. It was cold and gray and strangers were not overly friendly, but the flip side is the people up north are for the most part, not functionally retarded. Even their poor could speak proper English and read. I can not say the same for the south. I have always had a conflicted relationship with this place and getting away from it makes me realize how much there is to hate. If you’ve never been here, then I can tell you it isn’t as comically redneck as television would have you believe (except, of course, for the “E True Hollywood Story of Anna Nicole Smith”, that’s pretty accurate.)

I was born and raised here. You can use the argument that Florida isn’t the “real” south. Pull out a map and you’ll quickly see differently. The further you get from the ocean, the more neck it gets. Yet somehow I managed to be fairly educated and articulate with a southern education. So it can be done. I’d like to think my family and friends fall into this category as well. Unfortunately, it is probably in spit of the way the south functions and not because of it that explains how the people I know and love came to be the way they are. I’d miss my friends and family, but 9 months of summer does not appeal to me anymore and as for the myth that it is always sunny here, a quick visit to should show you how big a misnomer the “sunshine state” really is.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I’ve got 99 problems, but my blog ain't one.

I’ve been on hiatus. I wish I could say I went swashbuckling through the Caribbean on my schooner, but I’ve just been home playing Star Wars video games and reading the last three Harry Potter books. I know, I know. I never claimed to be cool.

So all is well here as I spend my down time reflecting on everything. You’d think having time off would lead to some high level of enlightenment. All this free time would be ample opportunity to start a novel, become a better musician or perhaps hunt for my next career. Instead, I’m getting the bare minimum of hygiene and lounging around doing squat and I love it. Last time I had this kind of free time, I was unemployed. Knowing I have a job to come back to makes being a lazy slob more enjoyable.

I woke up at 12:30. That is completely out of character. The highlight of yesterday was trying a new Thai restaurant. Seriously, this unemployment rocks. The trick is finding unemployment with income.