Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ann Coulter is not hot. She looks like a hat rack and she is a raging beotch to boot.

I guess what has my goat today is the fact that one of my nephews has decided in his early adulthood to become a card carrying ditto-head. The name alone says it all. It implies blindly agreeing with someone as moronic as Rush Slimebaugh. It isn’t gays that are ruining the sanctity of marriage, it’s Rush. I’m sure he’ll be courting wife #4 any day now.

I just think an unexamined political view is a dumb one. How many people draw in the sand right between party lines and see things as black and white? I don’t agree with everything “liberal.” I believe if you come to the US, you should learn English. That would probably get my skewered in liberal circles, but hey; I’m entitled to what I believe. I’ve thought it out. I just hate to see anyone hold a political belief that they inherited from someone else. Things like faith and politics require soul searching and not blind ditto-dom. At least that is how I see it in a nation founded on freedom of thought and speech. To walk away from either would be far more un-American than questioning W.


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