Friday, September 22, 2006

I thought this was a fascinating factoid. Introverts remember our dreams better than extroverts. I can only speculate why. I’ve noticed a lot of the super extroverted people on the world are that way because they really aren’t very interesting in and of themselves. So perhaps their dreams consist of tumbleweed and the sound of wind blowing. Yikes, that sounds harsh, but I challenge you to name me a genuine extrovert who is interesting.

Sure plenty of public figures seem extroverted, but real genuine extroverts are the kind of people who can not stand silence and would never see a movie by themselves. They also never shut up. Those of us more introverted can fake extroverted behavior to varying degrees. I can and have stood in front of a couple hundred people before and spoke. That doesn’t make me an extrovert. So of the real genuine "I never shut up and can not stand to be alone" segment of the population, name me one interesting and dynamic figure. That’s what I thought. Hitler doesn’t count.

Speaking of introverted sad bastardom I downloaded that song “Mad World” from the Donnie Darko soundtrack. It may be the saddest song every penned and perhaps the most haunting.


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