Monday, September 18, 2006

I try not to dwell on this, because it is somewhat personal and honestly not too many people probably care to hear about it. You read my blog so obviously you have some interest in my mundane existence.

I’ve been hovering between 30-35 lbs of weight loss for the past month or so. It took me since New Year’s going on and off the structured Weight Watchers plan to get where I am today.

While losing that kind of weight is an accomplishment, I need to drop another 25-30 to be were the government says I should to have a healthy weight. Anyway, my dietary practices have become second nature, so I dropped the Weight Watchers program last week. Here is the scary part, in just one week, I gained 5 lbs. Just like that.

My guess is not really being completely conscious of what I was eating was the culprit. How many of us think we are eating healthy without giving any thought to what we actually do eat? My journey has taught me that it isn’t so much an issue with shoveling down Ho Ho's at 3 A.M. I’ve never done that. It is the dozen of little daily decisions about eating mayonnaise or cheese on a sandwich or choosing to drink soda instead of water. They are small, small choices. Over time though, they can add up. Apparently just 7 days can even make a difference.

So I did the right thing and signed back up for Weight Watchers. Clearly I need the structure. I also rejoined my old gym. I’m trying to get minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. I think that will move things along. So while I’m patting myself on the shoulder with one hand, I’m pushing myself forward with the other. 30 pounds is a lot to lose and I’m proud of what I’ve done. I also know the next 30 will be twice as hard.


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