Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sometimes I find it ironic that we live in the most informed time in history, yet so many people are so misguided.

I have to resist the temptation to stick my head in the sand. The news sometimes becomes incredibly depressing to endure. India and Pakistan are always butting heads, Iran is working on nukes, ditto for North Korea. People are taking guns to work, school and random places and shooting. Sometime they shoot strangers and not really for any particular reason. The government is no longer accountable and anyone who questions it wants the terrorists to win. We drive the safest cars and have the best technology to protect us in all of recorded history, yet the world just doesn’t seem like a safe place.

In some ways I suspect it is perception. The media is quick to show us anything to help us believe our kids will be snatched, our cars are ticking time bombs and the next irate customer you talk to will come back and pump you full of lead. The reality is news reports about Britney Spear’s latest bundle make for a nice distraction. Sadly I’d rather hear about that, because I don’t give a $hit. I am completely devoid of any feelings regarding celebrity offspring, other than a desire to buy Federline some Trojans.

The real news is often what we don’t hear about. It is the disaster that is happening in the Middle East on an hourly basis. The real news is the entire providence of Iraq that we have zero control over and the fact that we only appear to have a handle on the situation, but only if you get distracted by the smoke, mirrors and double speak and don’t stare directly at the mess.

In the end I know the world isn’t a safe place. I hear sirens every day that point that out. Some of neighbors got robbed last week. Does ignorance=bliss? It seems some days just hearing about how awful the world is makes you miserable. What end does that serve? Surely no one can look at conditions in Africa, or Iraq or what was once the 9th ward of New Orleans and feel like everything is just fine. So the question becomes is it better to hear about and feel bad about things you have little or no power to affect change on? or is it better to avoid the bombardment and bad news and try to focus on changing the things you can?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah and the messages given over and over and over and over in the media are meant to keep us stressed out and distracted, of course. oh and it is such a lie about iran, they do NOT have the capability for major nuclear weaponry...they don't have a strong military at all...we're the ones who keep F8c2ing with their government and citizens...and now we are trying to get international sanctions against them to give us an excuse to go in. the real news might be exhausting...and sorting out the real from the double speak is certainly causing fatigue, but i'd rather be informed...informed and eccentric, perhaps, but informed, while i can.

3:36 PM  

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