Friday, September 22, 2006

Admit it... we all slow down a little at the scene of a traffic accident. Yeah, we could say it is a courtesy to the police and emergency crew at the scene, but secretly for a split second we all want to see some carnage. Now I’ll be the first to admit if I saw someone’s head rolling around on the median, I’d probably be hard pressed to ever drive again. I think we like this sick stimulation, but in a controlled environment. Thus Hollywood gives us another installment of “Jackass.”

While I could sit here and tell you why I’ll never see this movie the truth is I probably will at some point. Maybe not in theatres because God forbid anyone see me sneaking into something so moronic and sophomoric. Last night I saw Johnny Knoxville on TV and they showed a clip from the movie. I’ll admit I was immediately captivated in a way movie clips don’t usually grab my attention. I felt a little dirty and in need of a hot shower but there was old Johnny. He was healthy and alive, so obviously nothing too bad became of his adventure. Therefore it is OK for me to watch him and his crew get in harms way. In the end no harm, no foul. I’d rather see this get green lighted than “The Ringer 2: Retard Bugaloo.”

The only confounding thing about this film is I don’t understand how they can keep doing these stunts. I slept in a funny position last night and I’m in pain today. These guys have at least 5 years on me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know i don't drive right now, and it is really frightening to be in a car. It's even more of a shock to my system to be on the interstate. Despite this, I have been probably ten times in the last few months. There was one instance while my parents were visiting that was truly awful. We were going north to check out Whidbey Island and were still in downtown Seattle, on I 5. Traffic was creeping along, which was bizzare because it was a Sunday. Then we saw what the trouble was. There were two cars in the right lane and I couldn't see any gross vehicular damage, but in the lane lay someone dead. I don't know if they were projected from a vehicle or had jumped from the overpass, but it was a horrifying awakening. Driving is so frightening, but I can't blame anyone for the necessity of it in cities and towns where there's no mass transit.

6:56 PM  

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