Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I miss the coast.

Palm Coast that is.

It wasn’t that long ago that we lived in P.C. It was a 50 minute drive each way for me to commute, but man was it a nice area. I think that was the appeal. It was far away from everything. It was also much cheaper. We were renting a place twice the size of our current apartment for about $200 less per month. The cable was cheaper and so were the utilities. Granted the gas costs probably evened the whole thing out. We could let the cat roam the neighborhood all day and more than once we left the backdoor unlocked. In a word… it was safe.

Now I can walk to Starbucks, the mega-plex theatre and I can come home from work for lunch. Those are nice perks, but I’d trade my city living for a night without sirens and a place where I can forget to lock the doors and still not worry. Now my cat would last about 5 minutes in the “wild.” At least a couple of robberies have gone down in my complex.

So maybe I joked about the lame little city full of old people I briefly called home, but some of my best memories are set there. In the end, I guess I’m not a city person after all.


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