Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What did the Amish ever do to you?

Seriously, the news keeps hinting the guy was seeking some vengeance. I guess time will tell, but what a sad tragedy. They seem like a simple people who don’t bother anyone and here our world intersected with their's at just the wrong place and time.

How do I love a 3 day weekend? That’s right suckers, I got a Jewliday yesterday. I’ll take it. Maybe with some persuasion I can swing all of Chanukah off.

I used my day off where everyone else is working to go see “Jackass 2.” None of my friends, girlfriend, family or random strangers I met wanted to go. So I figured while the free world was wrapped up in a Monday I would catch it. I liked the first movie and thought it had some entertaining, if not disturbing parts.

I felt dirty after watching this one. Maybe I’m just getting older, but I felt bad for these guys. I could see a little reluctance in the eyes of a few of them. I got the impression Johnny Knoxville was looking to go out with a bang, or he is just certifiably crazy. The rest of the gang seemed to have a look in their eyes like “there must be more to life than this?” Yes there were some enjoyable and funny parts but I was even grossed out a couple of times. I'm hard to offend.

I almost left when the film bordered on prostitution. That, I concluded, is honestly all the film was. These guys were getting paid to do disgusting and degrading things. Granted, no one was forcing their hand, but if it wasn’t for their ability to eat cow turds and sample the finest horse milk (yes, it is what it sounds like) then these guys would probably be crashing on their Mom’s couch and working in minimum wage jobs. So in some ways they embody the American dream and in other ways they clearly demonstrate all that is wrong with our society. Either way the film was both disturbing and captivating, although I felt the need to shower immediately afterwards.


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