Friday, August 25, 2006

I’ve never gotten depressed by the rain.

In some ways I feel like I’m in my element. No, not the car.
Rain just feels very comforting... like home. The summer rains are nice because they cool it off and as people run back and forth between buildings and cars, I take my time. I’ve been soaked all day because of it.

Today reminds me of those days when I was younger and the overcast time of year was the one I looked forward to. In the winter, it becomes tolerable for you to be outside because the clouds take the edge off of the Florida heat. It is also the time when the beach becomes the domain of the elderly and the introspective. As REM said, “it’s a memory kind of sky.”

It was a rainy day like this that I went to the theatre alone to see “Singles” and decided I would move to Seattle after high school. After buying the soundtrack, I walked on the beach and played it over and over again on my walkman as the cool breeze spit Atlantic dew in my face. If you asked me that day, I would have promised you I had absolute resolve about this plan. A year later, I was Miami bound. I’ll spare you how that turned out.

So days like this seem to lead to even more reflection and for someone who already borders on reflecting too much, that gets dangerous. Maybe there were larger forces at work keeping me from Seattle. If I had this type of weather to contend with 95% of the time, it would either drive me to brilliance, or insanity. My money is on the ladder. If the unexamined life is not worth living, the over examined one should be freakin fantastic.



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