Monday, August 14, 2006

I was out of town for the latest paradigm shift for air travelers. Luckily I convinced my benefactors I should drive back. Not because I was scared of anyone blowing up their Pantene bottles, but instead to avoid the nightmare that has become air travel. Last week, I flew out on a Southwestern flight that was overbooked. I also spent nearly 2 hours getting through security. Now mind you, I live in this tiny little redneck town that gave the world Lynard Skinnard and this was before the new air travel restrictions. So I knew if my experience was that ludicrous before the banning of liquids, than it would be twice as insane after the changes.

What amazes me is how ready we are to just accept these things as fact. I mean really, what can you do? You could try and fight the power and bring your Aqua Fresh on a commuter flight, but rest assured, the security people will not only find it, but will probably give you an anal probe for wasting their time. So here we are with yet another major shift in how we travel. I was disillusioned a week ago. Now I’m just sort of over flying all together.

Maybe the great Samuel L. Jackson will finally put a stop to snakes getting on our planes, but who will give us the right to bring our contact lens solution on board? Probably no one. About 20 minutes ago, I looked in the mirror and realized how gray I’ve become. So perhaps I am an old timer who remembers the days when your loved ones could walk you to your terminal and security checks took 5 minutes to determine you didn’t have a gun or bomb.

Honestly, I believe most of us would take our chances flying. There are no guarantees and if we have to now be afraid of aftershave, who knows what the next unforeseen plot will be. I do know this much, after 3 hours getting overanalyzed in the security line, I can say for myself that if anyone tried to highjack the plane I’m on they’re gonna regret it. I’m sure most of us know now that if our plane gets hijacked, we’re gonna die. So why not put up a fight? The more we’re scared of our own shadow, the more the “evil doers” win this battle.


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