Friday, August 04, 2006

To add to the list of things I am ashamed of, I like the new Madonna song a lot. Yeah, I know. Weird huh? It has the universal gay beat.

Thump, thump, thump.

Is there something I might be in denial about? Erasure, the Pet Shop Boys, my distaste for sports and the fact I have not missed an episode of Kathy Griffin’s show. I’m 30 and unmarried for what it is worth and now to add insult to injury I like (gasp) Madonna.

So I might know who Tim Gunn is, but I couldn’t name a running back in the NFL if my life depended on it.

Sometimes I even wonder myself.

For the record though, I am 100% attracted to women. So maybe I’m just comfortable in my heterosexuality, but when I heard that Madonna song and didn’t immediately change the channel, I worried myself for a minute.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to you to being secure enough to question. And durnnn it you should not be afraid of enjoying any music...especially madonna...if you didn't enjoy it would be a problem when some girl wanted to dance with you to one of her many catchy funny tunes.

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good that you are secure enough in who you are to question yourself and motives. For the record, you should not fear enjoying any music, especially madonna. Since some girl might drag you on a dance floor to it one day...and you must enjoy it.

4:11 PM  

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