Monday, July 10, 2006

Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone?

Thus ends my exile. I’ve been avoiding blogging, because I don’t want to offend anyone at my new job. If you know me, you know I went to the school system. Unlike the liberal bastion most folks probably see the public school system as, where I now work is a haven for judgmental politics. So I’ve been practicing the golden rule. Cover your ass. So far so good. One of the many sacrifices I made was free and unencumbered blogging. What value is a censored blog anyway? None I say.

So I’m throwing caution to the wind. Not being able to blog has honestly caused me to hold so much in. I feel most days as if I am about to burst. My frustration with the new job and the politics and bureaucracy that have come with it make me miserable. I’ve gotten pretty good at training my brain not to think about it. A work though pops up and I squelch the fire within.

At night, it is a different story. The stress has been haunting my dreams and making me miserable in a way only my girlfriend sees and understands, because she witnesses the daily toll this place is taking on me. I use to have a fix it and forget it work life. One in which I could do my 8 and hit the gate. Now I have to monitor everything I write, say and damn near think. I’m done with it. I’ve decided if in fact I will have my thoughts held against me, then this is no place I wish to remain.

Come Armageddon, come.


Blogger LC said...

Welcome back... you have been deeply missed.

3:09 PM  

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