Monday, August 07, 2006

What is the significance of a number?

That is a good question. The only time we really appreciate these symbols is when they mark milestones or vary from the norm so much that they garner attention. This weekend I encountered such a number.

My clothes have been falling off me lately. It is too the point where I look like a kid wearing daddy’s clothes. I’d love to say it is coming off while I eat whatever I want. Unfortunately, the bad news is to lose weight, you have to create a caloric deficit. Mine has come in the form of Weight Watchers.

I can not say it will work for everyone. It probably doesn’t. As a veteran of crazy workout plans, low-carb plans and low fat plans, this was the thing I found that worked. It is straight science. Nothing is forbidden, but if you eat something “bad” you have to be very healthy the rest of the day, or sometimes the week. It teaches balance.

So on a whim, I tried on some clothes this weekend and found out I now wear size 34 pants. If you aren’t a guy, or perhaps a naturally skinny guy, you can not relate to what a marker this is. On my very personal journey, I feel I have reached somewhere that I feel comfortable sharing where I am and where I have been.

I remember how depressing the day was when I realized my size was no longer sold in the trendy stores. That was when I went from 36 to 38. Even worse was the day I had to buy size 40 pants. I had to order them online because they didn’t make that waist size on the rack with my inseam. Apparently people my height were not meant to be that fat.

So of all the private victories I’ve had in life, nothing felt as sweet as this hard earned one. Since new years, I’ve been on varying degrees of sticking to this diet and ultimately, the slips and spills have shown me that this is a lifetime decision and one in which I’ll have to remain vigilant with until I die. Hopefully with these positive changes, that will come later rather than sooner. Until then, it feels nice to wear “normal” size again.


Blogger LC said...

Congratulations! I am very happy for you and more importantly the extent to which you have found happiness.

6:14 AM  

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