Thursday, August 24, 2006

It seems fitting that in a world were Hot Topic is in nearly every mall, it would figure that there is a certain contingent that will stay true to its Goth roots. I found this website pretty amusing.

Now I use to wear trench coats and combat boots back before it automatically meant you were going to shoot up 3rd period. Somewhere in the “adult” world that type of non conformity starts dropping off. I’m glad to see some people keepin it real. I’ll admit the new NIN album is pretty good, but Trent’s “Goth” classification is probably questionable.

I have respect for anyone who stays true to who they are and doesn’t drop into line to conform, but there also reaches a point where the wearing of all black is just sort or sad. Find some way to make yourself happy. When you’re 35 and whining about how mundane and depressing the world is, then maybe it is time to get some Paxil. Now I need to practice what I preach.


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