Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I use to pride myself on not having cable. Lately, I’m committed to way too many shows. Call it comfort in a relationship or perhaps lacking the funds and desire to hit the “scene” in my off time. Maybe I just wasn’t really aware there was good entertainment out there. I blame the DVR. Just like Tivo, you set this thing to record your favorite series. Thus the addiction begins.

For the last year or so, I have caught up on great shows that I never really watched before like “Frasier”, “Scrubs” and “Family Guy.” I have years of back episodes of these to catch up on. In the meantime, I’ve discovered some new gems like “American Dad”, “The Office” and “My Name Is Earl.” I even got HBO solely for “Entourage.” Aside from these critically acclaimed shows, I spend plenty of wasted hours on Cartoon Network and Comedy Central and just about everything they put out is great. Somehow I sniffed out “Morel Oral” and “Cheap Seats” in the throws of insomnia.

So I guess this is my confession. I went from an exciting and vibrant human being with independent thoughts and feelings to a drone who is addicted to passive entertainment. It happens to the best of us. My next goal is to get into beer and sports. They seem to be enthralling more than a few people I know.


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