Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sometimes I just want to say F it and go buy a basket of chicken wings and a presidente margarita and chase the whole thing a Marlboro Red and put it on the Visa I never intend to pay off. In fact most of the time I feel this way. There is lies the danger of consciousness and the realization that your actions have repercussions. The short term rewards are so gratifying and we don’t have any guarantees about tomorrow.

On the other hand our culture is riddled with morality tales about the folks who built their lives around shallow fulfillment. Yet we are also in a day and age when personal accountability is at an all time low and our grandparents ideas no longer fly. People use to get married and have kids and build a life together because they valued that stability. Now it seems like most marriages end in divorce. Heck, if you live in Hollywood, all marriages end in divorce.

So our modern times begs the question. What is more pathetic? The guy who spent his life chasing the next drunken party or piece of ass who wakes up one day in his empty apartment and realizes his life lacks anything of substance. Then again, even if you live your life by the good book and invest in your 401K and buy a house when the market is right, you could very well end up one day in the exact same apartment while the family you built lives in the house you invested your future in and all you have to show for it is alimony payments and a visit ever other weekend from the kids. Chances are they’re already bonding with their new daddy.

Even playing by the rules doesn’t necessarily lead to happiness or good health. Even then the odds are stacked against you. I’d right a novel addressing this, but I’m sure Chuck Palahniuk is already on top of it.


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