Monday, August 28, 2006

Hurricanes, you’re on notice.

Nope, you’re dead to me.

Here we are one year on from Katrina and viola, a nasty little bastard named Ernesto is about to creep up the Florida coast and from what I see, he’ll be skirting the coast in those sweet warm Gulf stream waters and gathering strength by week’s end. I just hope he doesn’t come on shore here. Best case scenario, we’ll get a ton of flooding. Worst case scenario we could have a category 3 or more storm dropping on us.

My life on this storm ravaged phallus has taught me two things. First if you wait too long don’t bother evacuating and if you are going to get supplies, get them now. The minute the IDEA of a storm pops into people’s heads, the grocery store shelves will be stripped bare.

Why do I still live here?


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