Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I haven’t awoken from a dream startled in a long time. Basically, this girl I haven’t seen since high school and hardly knew even back then was helping me clean out my closet. She found two snakes. One was poisonous and the other was not. Each one lived in one of those old Crown Royal bags that people tend to hang on to. (You know the blue ones with the ropes around the top.) She also found two handguns. The dream finally ended when the head of a salamander fell out and landed on the floor and we both jumped back. Salamanders, of course, or quite ugly but completely harmless. So anyway, I wanted to write this down while I remembered it because it jarred me enough to wake up. Drop me an email or leave a comment and tell me what you make of this. I’m sure it is some weird Freudian thing and I’d like to know what it might mean since it was enough to wake me up way too early. I should also add that I hate both snakes and guns and would never own either. I remember very clearly being filled with lots of anxiety about how to get rid of both the snakes and the guns since I know they could be harmful in the wrong hands. I did decide to let the non-poisonous snake go for what its worth


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