Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I saw “Super Size Me” yesterday. It played nowhere near my home, but I was in Orlando and had the bright idea to see if it was playing anywhere around town. I got lucky, because movies like this are hard to come by in the south.

Rare is the movie that can change your life, but I think this one really has. We all know fast food is bad for us, but to watch someone’s health go right into the toilet in a matter of 4 weeks living on only fast food showed me how bad it really is. The film’s humor allowed its message to get across. The saddest part about the film is that every American should see this. Of course most will not. Maybe Will Smith will get inspired to do the exact same experiment and then the kids who need this message will get it.

I have read books like “Fast Food Nation” and “Fatland” and absorbed every word of both. Yet the message of how bad fast food really is didn’t sink in until I saw the effects emblazoned across a movie screen. Morgan Spurlock went from a lean and healthy man to someone who’s liver was fattened and failing in just 4 weeks. 4 weeks! Luckily, his girlfriend is a vegan chef, so she put him through detox after the experiment. . It took him the better part of a year to loose the 25 lbs he gained in a month and who knows what the long term effects of his experiment will be.

Trust me, this film is a lot more than just the story of some guy who ate McDonalds for a month. It touches on all the contributing factors to America’ obesity epidemic and really lays the groundwork for a grassroots effort to boycott fast food. If most Americans are relying on fast food to feed them, then its time we demanded a healthy selection. There is absolutely no reason for fast food to be as unhealthy as it is. Until things change, we should all eat at home more. No matter how busy you are, feeding your children a diet that will give them a lifetime of obesity, diabetes and heart failure before they’re old enough to have children of their own is just bad parenting. Just as the schools shouldn’t raise your kids, the Hamburglar shouldn’t be feeding them. They deserve a break today.


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