Thursday, June 03, 2004

It’s funny how fate gives you a nudge sometimes. I just got a grade of 60 on an assignment. I don’t think it is the first F I have ever received, but it is the first one I have received in recent memory. I don’t suspect I am going to outright fail the course, BUT I’d be lucky to get a C in it. So the computer and technology route definitely isn’t for me. How disappointing is that? I got half way through a masters with honors and then hit this wall. The truth is my Grandmother passed away at the beginning of the term and I have not caught up since. It took me a while to even get back into school.

As with most analytical pursuits, if you miss the concepts that make the foundation then you’re pretty much screwed. So now I have to do a project and a final with almost no hope of getting better than a C for the course. I would drop the class, but my tuition waiver from work would then become null and void and I’d have to come up with the funds myself. Good times.


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