Friday, June 18, 2004

I decided to take a crack at making one of these things since I seem to get a lot of them and often they’re uninspired. Cut and paste and make the answers apply to you. Then, pass it around man, but don’t Bogart.

Name you wish you were born with
Cornelius Autoban Freebird Salamander

Astrological sign

Sign you have had the most luck with in relationships (friends, love, etc)
Usually cancers

Celebrity you are most often told you resemble.
Unfortunately, Jimmy Kimmel

Celebrity you wish you resembled.
George Clooney

Describe how you currently look for those of us who haven’t seen you in a while.
Kind of scary. I have a shaved head and goatee.

Do you still own toys from your childhood? Up until a couple of years ago I did

What are they?
Lots of Star Wars stuff.

What about society today tells you the world is surely coming to an end?
Nu metal and its ilk. In a world where Linkin Park tops the charts, our time must be running out.

What trend makes you feel “out of touch” with your youth?
Trucker hats!

What CD are you most ashamed to own?
It’s a tie between Paula Abdul’s Spellbound and Chumbawamba

Favorite show of the early 90s?
Parker Lewis Can’t Loose

Favorite show today?
Chappelle’s Show

What campaign theme song would you give John Kerry?
“Nothing but Flowers” by Talking Heads. The line “and as things fell apart nobody paid much attention” really comes to mind.

How about George W.?
AC/DC’s “Back In the Saddle Again”. It just fits his cowboy attitude.

Go ahead and give Nader one to.
“If I Had A Million Dollars” changed to “If I Had A Million Voters”

Dennis Kucinich?
I’d change the REM classic to “What’s the Frequency Kucinich?”

Which “Spice Girl” was your favorite?
Baby Spice. She showed us all chubby can be sexy.

If you could live at any period in history, when would you live and why?
I’d do the 90s again. What a strange period in history where almost anything goes. There isn’t one trend or style or any other standard I can pin the 90s down to and that makes them great.

Which celebrity would you marry?
Lisa Loeb, but she is already married, so I’d let Janeane Garofalo boss me around I guess.

If you had one wish to change something about yourself, what would it be?
I’d be more confident

What is your favorite movie quote?
Currently it is from “Fight Club”
“she was like that itch at the roof of your mouth that would heal if you could only stop tounging it”

That’s descriptive

How should we get out of Iraq?
As quickly as possible. That’s my exit strategy. We need to beg the UN to forgive us and admit we bit off more than we could chew.

Which old TV show is least likely to be made into a major movie?
“Facts of Life”. I’d be first in line to see it though.

Book you most want to see made into a movie?
“Fast Food Nation”

What time would you get up if you didn’t have to awake for anything?
Probably 8 I’m sorry to say. I miss sleeping in, but I just can’t do it these days.

Do you like what you do for a living?

What would you do if money and expectations where not an option?
Write the great American novel.

What was the saddest memory of the last year?
Seeing my Grandma for the last time

What was your happiest?
Speaking at her funeral and feeling I made her proud.

What is your favorite thing to wear (jewelry, clothes, etc) that no one else seems to like?
Elvis glasses thank you very much.

Honestly, who do you think would do the best job portraying you in a movie?
Probably Jack Black if you could get him off the powder long enough.

What would you title the movie?
“A Awe Inspiring Film of Greatness”

Most embarrassing nickname? Crotchy

What word or phrase are you trying to bring back?
If someone says they love something, then you must ask “then why don’t you marry it?”

Star Trek, Star Wars, Buffy or do you hate them all?
Star Wars for sure

Which character do you most relate to from the three?
Yoda, because I’m so darn wise. Most people nod their heads and listen, but no one takes my advice to heart.

Tell us an author you think is under rated or is worth checking out?
Tony Parsons “Man and Boy”

Which band do you think deserves more credit than they receive?
Travis. Nope they are not hip or ground breaking, but they are great (last album excluded)

What idea do you have that will make you a fortune if you ever get it off the ground?
Fire and Gadgets magazine. Gay, straight, black, white, short, tall, fat or thin every man loves FIRE and GADGETS. I just need a better name for it. Just picture 100 glossy pages of great bonfires and cool gadgets.

Lastly, tell us something funny about the person who sent this to you.

I made it up, so I guess I can’t say anything. OK, he sucked his thumb until he was 17.


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