Thursday, March 04, 2004

What is it about human nature that makes us want to stuff that empty hole? Get your mind out of the gutter! You know what I’m talking about. Some of us fill it with booze, cigarettes, and food. Other folks use God or jogging or meditation. I think I've tried them all. The truth is none of them work. That empty hole exists and from what I can tell as you get older it gets bigger.

I wonder if this is something ingrained in us biologically so we don’t get complacent and forget to hunt and gather. Maybe it is put in us by our creator so we will seek more meaning to our lives and thus find our faith. Maybe it is just that empty human desire we all have to find a bigger and better slice of the pie. I firmly believe that our consumer based society tells us to want the best abs and nicest car, but in the other ear it tells us to have another cookie, Miller Lite, taco…the list rolls on.

Today that hole has been dug by a very real event. I’m going to South Carolina this weekend,because my Grandma is very ill. By very ill I mean she is likely in her final days. The truth is I don’t know what comfort I can give her or what I can say. All I can do is be there for her. I wish I could understand why this is always so hard. I haven’t lost a lot of people close to me, but the ones that have gone were pretty hard. I always find the hardest part is watching how others react to loss. Inevitably we will bury our parents. They bury their parents and our kids will bury us. Knowing this you’d think I would be thankful for the time my Grandma had.

My Grandma fought cancer twice and turned a diagnosis of months into years. She raised two kids who in turn made 6 grandkids and they made 8 great-grandkids and one great-great grandkid. That is a legacy if I ever saw one. I know the next few weeks are going to be pretty tough. I’ve buried two friends when we were teens and two grandparents and I always end up reflecting a little too much on the things unsaid. This weekend I want to make sure I have told Grandma how much I love her. I suspect she already knows it, but its best to make sure.


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