Tuesday, February 24, 2004

And the verdict is…he will live. Oh yes, it is that time again. I have my annual sinus infection. Granted, I could be prone to worse medical disasters I guess, but I have sort of grown tired of getting a sinus infection every year. Its like clock work. I went to the doctor Friday and he told me I was there 1 year to the day from my last visit for the exact same thing. Except last time, I let it go to far and ended up with an ear infection. Trust me, if your child ever gets an ear infection, don’t doubt they’re in every bit of the pain they say they’re in. I’ve had them twice as an adult and they are excruciating.

I’ve been on an antibiotic (besides the ones I already get from all the genetically modified meats and produce I eat). This is day 4. By day 4 you should feel better, but, truthfully, I feel worse. I almost think I contracted something else at the doctor’s office, because I didn’t start feeling really bad until I went there. Maybe it was psychosomatic. Speaking of which, if you do have the misfortune of getting a sinus infection, believe me when I tell you no one is going to believe you’re sick. It brings on very few visible symptoms. You just sort of feel like crap on and off and have a sore throat, fever, headache, sinus pain, or some combination of all of them. OK, I’ll shut up now. I cannot stand being sick.

HAPPY FAT TUESDAY! What a dumb name. It makes sense in the context of the “holiday”, but it is pretty stupid. I guess this is my last fling, since tomorrow I am giving up fried food and soda for Lent. I don’t really feel all that Catholic these days, but I do think giving up something is A) healthy for you B) helps flex your self control muscles and C) is a nice gesture considering it pales in comparison to a crucifixion. I’m guessing on that last one.

Think about giving something up. Even if you aren't religious it will be a worthwhile experience. It seems like modern Christianity (at least the way most folks practice it) is about the least demanding faith you could ask for on the individual. It is usually all talk and precious little action. I’m giving up two things I love for 40 days. It beats the heck out of trekking to Mecca or giving up caffeine and living in Salt Lake City. We get by so easy really.


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