Friday, February 13, 2004

This is not a Valentine’s Day blog! I just wanted to be straight about that up front. OK, who can deny it? I’m superstisious and terminally afraid of dying alone, so Friday the 13th and Valentines back-to-back is getting to me. Its not that I’m afraid something bad will happen. In fact my Mom in Australia reported to me that Friday the 13th passed there without any problems. Now it is just Valentine’s Day that I have to dread. I like to call it VD for short. While I’m at it, I’ll christen today Frizzle the Thizzle. It sounds less ominous.

I’m truly lost on any intelligent commentary on the subject. I think love is this silly notion promoted by Hollywood to sell stuff. Yes, I’ve been in love and I’m starting to think it has the shelf like of an ice cream cone. Truthfully, I’d be hard pressed to think of a great relationship (if you are a married or otherwise committed person reading this, I am not talking about you of course). Marriage seems to have its own demonic set of expectations and these days, when the spouse isn’t putting out emotionally, financially or sexually, most folks throw their hat back in the ring and try round 2 (or 3 or 4 or 5…)

So maybe the notion of love is outdated. We really only have to look at other animals to realize this idea of pair bonding is only meant to last long enough to conceive. Think about that. All those baby's daddy's out there have it right.I’m sure life is easier with a partner who always has your best interest in mind and is there for you when you need them, but I haven’t seen a relationship like that since the 3rd “Lethal Weapon” movie. Lets face it, you come into the world alone and you’ll likely leave it that way. If you’re lucky, you’ll be naked on your way out too.

Here’s a great statistic from the CDC. As the Beastie Boys once said, “you can’t front on that.” Most of us stand a very good chance of having a “starter marriage.” I guess finding a life partner is a lot like every other worthy goal in life. It is a lot of work. Loosing weight, quitting smoking, getting a college degree. All these things require work and sacrifice. For some reason, people have adopted this mentality that love will conquer all, despite glaring evidence to the contrary. What do I know, I’m just some bitter loser who will probably spend his V-Day watching Comedy Central and eating a TV dinner.


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