Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Well, today I came face to face with the vast void that exist between college seniors and people who are 5 years out of college. I fell head-first into this reality today when I went to my Alma Mater and represented my workplace at their career day. I know the day was going to be weird when not five minutes into the event, I saw “hairy cleavage” (see date from hell below). It seems like I’m just sort of on a roll lately. They say good things come when you least expect them and I truthfully and finally expect to die alone and smelly. Of course, nothing also comes when you least expect it, so I digress.

The best part of the whole event was being called “Dude” a lot. I would have jokingly responded, “The Dude abides”, but I’m sure not a one of them would have gotten it. After all, they were not even in high school when that movie came out. At least, its good to know I’m still a dude and not a “sir” just yet. I made a point of not wearing my suit to prevent such a mistake. I had a lot of people who I knew from back in the day reintroduce them selves (yes, even people I worked with as a work-study and beyond). I replied “good to see you again.” to make them think. It’s OK I wouldn’t remember me either. Every time I talked with a student who was in the Communication or English program I tried to talk them into getting a master in something practical. I wouldn’t have listened as a 22 year old English and Communication major. The message fell on deaf ears.

I did get a glimpse into how misguided some of these poor souls are. I heard one Communication major tell her friends that she just went to the Disney booth and they offered her an entry level position. The girl couldn’t understand why she was being offered such a position with a college degree. To add insult to injury, they were only going to pay her 30 grand a year. Oh the travesty! Missy, I don’t make that yet, so count your blessings. From there, things went down hill. I met some other reps. One I recognized and politely asked her if she graduate 4 or 5 years ago. She huffed and said, “I graduated two years ago. It was nice meeting you.” She promptly walked away. I guess looking young myself, I assume people that look older than me are at least my age or a couple of years older. This girl was apparently 24. My response should have been “oh yeah, class of 2001. Wasn’t that the year all the bitches graduated?”

I also met one girl from my class. She was working for the local PBS station and I casually asked her if she was doing on-air work. She said she was doing administrative work and I recalled my tales of Clear Channel woe with her and how I tried to break into broadcasting, but grew tired of minimum wage and the night shift while holding down a day job. I said it just wore me out and I had to give up the dream. She got offended and said something like “I guess you wanted to be on the air.” Yeah, isn’t that why everyone goes into broadcasting? Well, I was on the radio and the pay and long hours was not worth it. Some DJ dream that was. At least I lived mine. It wasn’t what it was cracked up to be, but I’m sure she’ll be pushing paper and daydreaming about what could have been. Don’t get me wrong, my work now is not glamorous, but it pays the bills and I don’t have to report for work at 2 AM. Keep living the dream sister.

Then, the ex dropped by to say “hello’. She works at the school and it was nice to see her. I really felt like giving her a hug, but I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable and truth be told; it would be awkward in a work setting. I wanted to let her know that I am so very happy that she has found love again and I have nothing but the best wishes for her and for the first time in a long time, we got to just talk and be ourselves and not have the pain of our doomed relationship hanging over our heads. I guess some things are better left below the surface of small talk. That was my day. I have to build web pages and wonder if getting a MMIS degree will get me anything other than another piece of parchment. I miss 1998.


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