Wednesday, January 28, 2004

I blame “High Fidelity” for this question, but recently my friends started devising their top 5 list of female celebrities to, well, I don’t know. I had to put some thought into it. All the other guys where all about Anna Kournikova and the usual “hot” celebrities. I’ve really had to put some thought into my list. I’ve never been the one night stand type, so I tried to think of women that where complex, interesting and not your typical definition of beautiful. So, in no particular order…

The one everyone saw coming. I have had a crush on her since “Reality Bites”. Janeane Garofalo. Short, bitter, not out to impress anyone. I swear we must be soul mates. Although, from an astrological standpoint, we’re completely wrong for each other. So, I move on to Bjork. She’s small and weird and a Scorpio, so we might work well together. Speaking of astrology, there are two women who share my sign that make the “list”. I’m sure Lisa Loeb will come as no surprise to anyone. This fellow Pisces has her own distinct style and is a talented singer and songwriter. The only strikes against her are Zappa's kid and an obsession with Hello Kitty.

Another fellow Pisces in the top 5 is Lili Taylor. Yes, you’ll have to look her up because she has quietly been one of Hollywood’s unsung heroines. Apparently, she use to date Michael Rapaport and he was actually picked up on charges for abusing the poor girl. So Rapaport better stay out of my way. Probably the coolest thing about Lili, aside from being a great actress, is the fact she was born on the exact same day as Kurt Cobain.

As far as top 5 celebrities actually in my age group, Ginnifer Goodwin is the only contender. She was great in “Mona Lisa Smile” and really stole the movie from all those other big name stars. She is a southern belle and a classically trained actress, so what isn’t to love there?

I think that rounds out the top five. Honorable mention goes out to Daria, Shakira and Laura Prepon. Of course, Daria is a cartoon, Shakira likes to dress like a hooker and Laura Prepon and I have the same exact birthday. So I don’t think a relationship would work out with any of them, as for other finalists, who knows?


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