Friday, January 23, 2004

Man, religion is a strange place. I have run the gamut from general apathy to strong Christian to completely confused. It doesn’t help when you have people like THIS out there making things difficult. So, I dare tread into questions about God on my blog. That’s like discussing photosynthesis with a donkey. In fact, that analogy doesn’t even do the injustice justice.

I read a book a while back that I thought was great. You can find it HERE. It’s a heavy read for those of you who might be casually entertaining the idea of a higher power. If you’re like me and have faith, but no spiritual home, it might turn you on to a few theories. Personally, I think the Pope has just about jumped the shark. He goes around decrying birth control when the nations that need it most are the third world ones that are predominantly Catholic.

On the other hand, the big haired ladies on TBN put the fear of God in me and for all the wrong reasons. Where to go? I know some Catholics, Baptists, Episcopalians and so forth that are some of the most faithful, kind and downright “Godly” people on the earth. I also know my fare share of slime balls that throw God’s name at you like you’re the fat kid in dodge ball. Even worse still, I know a few Atheist, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and Taoist who exhibit God’s grace better with one toe than Pat Robertson has ever done with a lifetime of service.


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