Wednesday, January 28, 2004

John Kerry is not my president…. at least not yet. I’m a little perplexed as to where this guy came from. I was all about Wesley Clark and still am, although I think his star is fading. I thought he really had a chance considering he is a general (which would go over well here in the southland since we love guns) and he had the endorsement of the man who made a movie about how bad guns are. What a perfect paradox. I was sort of dreaming about a Clark ticket with John Edwards as vice president. It doesn’t look like that will happen any time soon though. I think that combination would be unstoppable. Truth is the Democratic Party members seem to think in terms of themselves and only themselves. By that, I mean their scope is limited to New England liberals. I’m predicting right now that if they run Howard Dean or John Kerry, they will undoubtedly loose the election by a landslide. As much as they might both make great leaders and both speak their minds and stick to their guns and all the things we like to have in a candidate in an ideal world, the reality is we do not live in an ideal world. The only democrats I see standing any chance of getting the votes from regular folks is Clark or Edwards. You have to remember that most of the country doesn’t live in a city and 90% of us live paycheck to paycheck in some hole in the wall three states away from anything glamorous. That’s the voter you want and need to turn this country around. A guy endorsed by Ted Kennedy isn’t going to sway the silent majority.


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