Wednesday, February 18, 2004

So I didn't see Helio Sequence, but I can tell you the comedian on the tour didn't do it for me, but I'm sure he made others laugh. Heck, Larry David was a failed stand-up comedian so there is hope. I wish the guy luck. I think the material he had was just for a different audience than what showed up last night. Modest Mouse was great and Brock made all his usual faces and tried to start a fight. I didn't get to meet Eric Judy, because the place was packed! My roommate recognized Brock standing next to us before the show and they talked very briefly. I figured either A)nobody recognized him because they aren't seen a whole lot and he dresses like a fisherman or B)it is real undeck amongst the hipsters to talk with the "Stars". Either way, the hipsters for the most part had no clue about any of the songs. I'm in the back wearing a sweatshirt and (GASP!)corduroy pants and singing along. I think there were quite a few kids there just to be seen at the show. Pathetic really, but I'm sure I would have made sure everyone knew I went to the Nirvana show back when I was in high school.

Anyway, the performance was great. The sound woes were nearly absent as it was just loud enough to rock the house, but never obnoxious or distorted. "3rd Planet" got done up pop style and "Paper Thin Walls", "The Cockroach" and "Wild Pack of Family Dogs"where crowd pleasers. Otherwise, the other songs I recognized were ones I'm not a huge fan of like "Cowboy Dan". I was hoping to hear "Trailer Trash" and "Teeth Like God's Shoeshine". No such luck. The new album will be great though if the material they unveiled last night is on it.

And how!


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